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Etumax Royal Honey For Him In Sahiwal

1 year ago   Services   Sahiwal   74 views Reference: 10019609

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Location: Sahiwal

Price: ₨8,500

Royal Honey For VIP Price in Pakistan

Royal Honey Price in Pakistan is an instant source of energy to enhance male vitality.

How do I use Royal honey for him?

Usage: Shake vial. Take 1 vial 30-45 minutes before sexual physical activity. The honey elixir was thick was room temperature and only about 75% of it would come out on its own. I warmed up a cup of water and placed the vial in it.

What does royal honey do for you?

it is rich in protein minerals, vitamins, amino acids and digestive enzymes. Royal Honey VIP is an immediate source of energy, which stimulates the absorption of nutrients, improves complexion, prevents ageing and possesses cooling effect in the body.

When should I take royal honey?

Day 1 – Take first sachet in the morning, afternoon or evening straight from the package. No need to mix it with food, however if you prefer to do so you may. Royal Honey works bests when taken straight from the sachet followed by a glass of water.

Etumax Royal Honey in Pakistan

Where does Royal honey come from?

Early on, all bee larvae are fed a substance called royal jelly, which is a gelatinous substance produced in the head glands of ‘nurse’ bees. Royal jelly is composed of approximately two-thirds water, one-eighth proteins, 11 per cent simple sugars, small quantities of Vitamin C and various trace minerals and enzymes.

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